Monday, 29 August 2011

Eid Gifts !!

This year, I have decided to go green in gift wrapping. From one side, I get to spread the 'Recycle ,Reuse & Reduce ' concept around, from another side.. I can personalize the gifts even more according to whom it's intended to :)
I put the gifts in boxes to make them as uniform as possible, then I covered them with plain white paper to provide the platform for thee ART ATTACK !!
1. Basicly hand drawing, only matrial used is some sharpner leftovers.
There is a bee shaped pencil-figure along with the gift, so that inspired the theme.

2.Here , I used some old bottons, a piece of green -from our plant- and some candy as a bonus :)
3.In this one, there is a piece of cloth 'the sail', some candy 'the sun' and sand for the shore.

4.Finally , this is like a snap shot from my little brother's room. I got the hairdresser with a piece of CD for the mirror and the rest is simple hand drawing. Also there is a figure pencil along with the gift, that has a little boy on it, so I drew him as if it is "him in his room".

Happy Eid to you All =)


  1. when i was kid i used to make such things and gave these things as a gift to my best friends.
    Send gifts to Pakistan from UK

  2. These creative things are suitable for Eid gifts, great job.

  3. Each one of us holds the promise of greatness within our heart, minds, and souls. Our potential and where it leads us are as unique as our fingerprints, yet the way to access what is possible is universal. Affirm your life; find joy every day, even in the mundane; and embrace your strengths and use them better yourself and the world. Send Gifts to Pakistan | Eid Gifts to Pakistan
