Sunday 8 August 2010

Rest In Peace,Grandma

Yesterday was my paternal Grandma’s funeral, she passed away Friday night.
It was a surprise to all, since she wasn’t seriously ill, just complained from arthritis as far as I know.

I felt so terrible, thinking of all the things I should have done, I should have called more often, I should have visited more often; maybe stay over a couple of days. Actually, I was planning on sleeping over at her place as soon as we came from vacation, we came Friday morning, and she left Friday night!

Whenever I was a bit distant and didn’t call for a while, then visit or call her ,she’d greet me as if I was travelling and came back and goes “ How was your journey?” smiling at me to make me feel at ease instead of going “Haven’t heard from you for a long time. “Or “why don’t you call, did you forget your grandma?”

She always talked to me about Karma , how when I was a baby, mum would drop me at Gran before going to work and She, Gran would feed me, change my diapers and play with me. Then, how now, that she’s old, I go and buy her groceries, and give her, her weekly injection, and run her some errands.

Grandma was the news center in the family. She always spread the word about everything, who’s ill, who did what in their exams, who’s pregnant, who’s moving to another house, who’s travelling, who’s coming,….I wonder now, if we will call each other more often, or will everyone be isolated and no one will know anything as if we were perfect strangers!

I was the only grandchild she babysat, so I was kind of special to her.
Grandma had 4boys and a girl, 13 grandchildren, and 3 great grandchildren! It was always great when we gathered at her place every Friday, and on special holidays…I’m not sure how that’s gonna happen now, I’m worrying everyone’s gonna get distant, and won’t bother to gather or meet, I really hope that won’t be the case.

Coincidently, Grandpa passed away at about the same time she did, a few days away from the holy month of Ramadan, but that was 6 years ago. So now their house is empty, feels kinda weird!


  1. Hi hun, I am really sorry about you loss. I hope that you and your family will still do well and will still gather. I understand exactly what you are talking about as my aunt who passed about 4 years ago (only 45) was the one who brought everyone together.. it has fallen a little appart here after her, but since you are aware of it you can help make sure it doesnt with your family and you can meet in her memory if nothing else.
    Take care and again, sorry :(

  2. My condolences for your loss (I know it's late, and my apologies for that).

    Your grandma sounds like she was a wonderful person.

  3. Hey, truly sorry to hear this sad and sudden news - my condolences to you and your family. I understand the feeling of being distant; I'm actually having this problem right now as well. As you know, I live in the UK, and have been living here almost a decade. Yet, I don't get to see my granddad much, and have only seen him once 2 years ago, after my 6 years in the U.K. His health is deteriorating, and I'm worrying not seeing him much and will regret it. It's hard for me to travel in and out of the U.K, as the U.K's immigration rules are extremely strict. I'm hoping to go back to see him next year, hopefully it will all work out my way.

    Take care and all the best!

  4. Thank you all for your condolences...

    @ cupcake,sorry to hear that you haven't been seeing much of the rest of the family..Well, yes we're trying here our best.. so far weekly family meetings have been held ,I hope it continues...

    @ Dave,yes, she was very special

    @ Eric, I really hope that you'd be able to go next year and see him, it sucks that you feel kinda trapped and away from your homeland!! I guess the least you can do is give him a call every now and then.
