Thursday 9 September 2010

5 Reasons why I hate Shopping

Well it’s that time of year again, when my wardrobe needs a serious update, since college starts in less than 10 days, and I’m not a fan of shopping, so I always delay it till it becomes a necessity.
so here are the 5 reasons why I hate shopping:

1- The sales ladies always walking like my shadow, asking if they could help, I say no thanks. Then she keeps following dropping comments, like “ oh this would look lovely on you” or “This style is very new ,you must try it” or “That colour would look great on you” ..arghhhh, Lady ,I have eyes of my own , and a brain that can think for itself thank you very much. So I either tell her to stop following me, or simply leave the shop.

2- I can’t find something that’s my taste; everybody is starting to look the same to me, since all the styles are becoming similar.

3- If I do find something, I can’t find my size. Even though I’ve got a medium figure, it’s all either too small or too large :(

4- Since I get stuck shopping at shopping seasons such as “Start of College” or “Eid, as this year” or “End of summer’s BIG SALE” Everywhere is crowded. People are shopping like maniacs. If there is anything that I hate outdoors, that’s NOISE, PEOPLE, and CROWD.

5- When it comes to Brand stores, Egypt has the least and worst products!! Like, I love Timberland’s shoe collection, and in most countries I’d definitely find something that I’d like, but here.. They only have like 8 or less items, and nothing suits me!!

Ahhh, I’m out of breath, I’ve actually written this post after 3 consecutive days of attempting to find something decent to wear…and the mission is still not done yet :(

I can’t understand how some people actually like shopping or think of it as a hobby!!


  1. I agree!! Shopping sucks!! But one difference between our country and your's, is that the people follow you around to make sure you don't steal their shit. I worked at a cosmetics shop for two days(I'm fucking lazy and decided to quit after the first day - sad, I know) and had to follow people around to make sure they don't steal the merchandise. Because they do - sneaky bastards.

    Good luck with it though! :D

  2. not very often that you hear girls actually "hate" shopping haha

  3. Ah Johanli, cosmetics would be really easy to steal, but apparently it happens alot, that's weird though..

    Yeah Eric, Wonders never cease to end :)

  4. So sad to hear that you hate shopping~
    I like to shop~
    I shop whenever I want to, especially in a good mood.

    But, same as you that I hate the sales ladies continue to follow me after I've told them I prefer to be alone or see those clothes myself.

    Cos I felt uncomfortable with the eyes staring at me~ @@"
